John Deere industrial engine

Engines and Drivetrain

Reliable Power for John Deere and Other Brands of OEM Equipment

Fueled by innovation and ingenuity, we're working to power a cleaner, more efficient world — with diesel engines, battery power, and renewable fuel technologies.

Brandt Rail Tools equipment scooping up rock in a stream powered by a John Deere industrial engine.

Industrial Engines

John Deere industrial engines are simple to integrate, easy to service, and share many common maintenance parts.

Boat cruising on water powered by a John Deere marine engine.

Marine Engines

John Deere marine propulsion, generator, and auxiliary engines share the same reputation for performance and reliability as their agricultural and industrial counterparts.


Warranty Registration

Already have a John Deere OEM engine or drivetrain component? Register it for streamlined warranty service.

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Advanced Engines

The latest John Deere engines offer the most advanced engine technologies to deliver new levels of reliability, durability, flexibility, and serviceability.

JD4 industrial engine by John Deere

JD4 – Up and Coming

Compact Power

The JD4 features a 20 to 25 percent reduction in package size and a more than 50 kg (110 lb) reduction in weight compared to the John Deere 4.5L single turbo engine.

JD9 industrial engine by John Deere

JD9 – Powerful Integration

Simplified Aftertreatment

The JD9 features expanded power up to 343 kW (460 hp), single- and dual-turbo configurations, and an in-line aftertreatment system for ease of application integration.

JD14 industrial engine by John Deere

JD14 – Proven and Ready

Quiet Operation

The JD14 features a rear gear train that reduces noise by up to 3 decibels compared to the 13.5L engine. That's half as loud, greatly improving operator comfort.

JD18 industrial engine by John Deere

JD18 – Expanded Power

No DEF Fluid

The JD18 features new combustion technology which allows John Deere to offer an engine in the 522 – 677 kW (700 – 908 hp) power range without aftertreatment.

John Deere engine distributor working on industrial engine inside a piece of equipment

Keep It Running

Keep your OEM equipment in top operating condition with John Deere Connected Support™, extended warranties, engine maintenance plans, and reliable parts.