Corn Field

2021 Finance Program

John Deere Financial logo
NorthStar Genetics logo
Field of soybeans during sunset

Where Seed Succeeds

John Deere Financial and NorthStar Genetics are excited to announce a NEW financing program on NorthStar Genetics Soybean and Corn products using your Multi-Use Account offered through John Deere Financial.

Financing Programs

Eligible Seed ProductsProgram DatesCustomer Rate / Program DetailsCustomer Payment Terms

NorthStar Genetics
Soybean and Corn seed

December 1, 2020 to
June 30, 2021

Fixed 0% APR/AIR¹

Due-in-full October 2021¹

Need Additional Information? Visit or call us at 800-356-9033.

Don't have your account yet?

The fastest, easiest way to secure the purchasing power you need this season is a click away.

Customer in the field using his iPad

Already have a Multi-Use Account?

View your statement or contact customer service to confirm the status of your special terms limit.

John Deere dealership

Merchant Locator

Reliable purchasing power at hundreds of dealers and merchants nationwide.

Need help...

Contact Customer Service:  1.800.356.9033

Other ways to apply:

  • Apply at your local retailer
  • Call 1.800.356.9033 to have an application mailed to you.


¹ Offer valid from 1 December 2020 until 30 June 2021. For purchases on your Multi-Use Account for Agricultural Use. For eligible purchases of goods and services payment in full is required on your October 2021 statement payment due date. Minimum purchase amount of $2,500 is required. Minimum finance amount may be required. Monthly statement of account provided. Taxes, and, if applicable, set-up, delivery, freight and preparation charges will apply. In the event you default on this or any Multi-Use Account transaction, interest on all outstanding balances (including all Special Promotion Transactions) will begin to accrue immediately at 19.75% per annum from the date of default until paid in full, and you will be required to make monthly payments on this transaction equal to 10% or $25 of the original amounts financed plus interest.

Dealers are free to set individual prices. Additional dealer fees may apply. Financing on approved John Deere Financial credit only and merchant participation. See merchant for details. Limited time offer which may not be combined with other offers. Discounts or other incentives may be available for cash purchases. By selecting the purchase financing offer, consumers may be foregoing such discounts and incentives which may result in a higher effective interest rate.