The Furrow

A John Deere Publication

Issue: March 2023

Livestock/Poultry, Agriculture

Ten Million Miles of Milk

Agriculture, Rural Living

Gardeners Band Together Despite Their Subdivided World

A suburban Montana garden oasis complete with fig trees makes for a rewarding group endeavor.

Agriculture, Education

Nothing Vanilla About It

"All-natural" food boom cultivates new industry in Ecuador and gives opportunity to young farmers to start their own plantations.

collage of thirty bowls of dog food


The $50 billion question.

man writing on dry erase board while other man watches


Keeping It Fresh

Couple only adds new ventures that will fit in with their core values.

a woman outside at sunset looking at a tablet

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bag full of wheat surrounded by wheat


Ancient Agrarians

Turning back the clock on inputs and varieties.

man walking in snow surrounded by trees


Tapping Into a New Idea

Birch syrup makes this homestead unique.

closeup of root of marshmallow plant flower


Community Health

Traditional herbal medicine taps family heritage.


Glass Blown Art

The furnace is at 2170°F. The molten clear glass in the pot has the consistency of warm honey. Everything is ready for Chris Van Zanten to slowly wind it into a gob on one end of a metal blowpipe in the first gather of the day. Then, over the next 15 minutes, the Pakenham, Ontario, hot glass artist turns the baseball sized ball of glass into one of his popular garden bird feeders.

Van Zanten always wanted to be an artist. He'd studied printmaking and engraving in college and intended to make it his career. Unfortunately, he became sensitive to the chemicals used in the process so was told by his doctor to either find a new career or prepare for a short, sickly life. Fortunately, his wife Barbara wanted a stained glass sidelight by the front door. The little home renovation project changed his life.

woman placing lid over container of small cheese wheels


A Cheese of One's Own

Boutique cheese production complements nationally famous neighbor.

bird's eye view of educational garden at University of Nebraska


Campus Color

At the University of Nebraska, the Backyard Garden provides a slice of serenity.

closeup of egg held by man blurred in background


Under the Midnight Sun

Commercial egg production in the Yukon isn't for the faint of heart.

wide view of yellow farm field with blue sky above


Accidental Mitigation

No-till adoption changed the prairie climate.

man and woman smiling in front of hay bales with containers of cherry tomatoes


Rootbound Farm Grows Deep Organic Roots

Committed to taking local eating beyond corn and tomato season.

hill of fresh cut grass in front of protein processing plant


Beyond Hay

Protein process converts grass for non-ruminants.

man standing in front of John Deere tractor



John Deere's AutoPath™ helps take the guesswork out of guidance.

hands cradling seedling in mound of dirt


John Deere and ISU Launch New Demonstration Farm

Helping farmers feed and fuel the world sustainably.

closeup of blueberries
The Furrow March 2023

About The Furrow

The Furrow was first established by John Deere Company in 1895 as “A Journal for the American Farmer.” The goal of the magazine remains the same - to tell stories that people enjoy reading and provide them with knowledge that they can apply in their operations.

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